What's the trend now? Elopement vs medium to large weddings
Sages at the Knot say that "96% of couples had to change their 2020 wedding plans, but just 7% canceled their weddings entirely". 43% of those couples opted to make their celebration either alone or with a select few. This trend looks to continue into the fall of 2021 although the return of the grand fete has started.
Here in South Florida, we have seen a return to large weddings more quickly than other states in the USA, and certainly as compared to Europe, Australia and South Africa. With our relaxed restrictions, having 200 guests is relatively simple. Navigating venue rules and health code requirements has become so much easier and bookings are pouring in for couples who had to cancel during Covid.
Those couples that choose Micro Weddings say that they prefer not to lavish copious amounts of money on a party since the misfortunes that befell so many during the Pandemic is still fresh in their minds. Others say it was never their desire to have a huge party anyway - it was what the families wanted, and they are so much happier to keep their wedding intimate and select.
I have seen couples get extremely nervous in front of large crowds making their actual ceremony a stressful experience. With all eyes on the couple, they tend not to listen to what is being said by the officiant, but are worrying about their appearance and how they look to the guests. The sincerity of pledging your vows to one another can become muddled when you are frozen in fear and cannot really hear anything.
I therefore encourage couples who have stage fright to consider a smaller ceremony. Without the large audience, it will be easier to concentrate on your commitment.
But if your longtime dream has been a huge wedding with flower girls, big dresses, florals and fanfare, then chances are you will opt for the extravaganza. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. That's always the best way to feel confident and comfortable and well prepared.
Remember that no one is looking to trip you up, or find fault. The more genuine you are, the more your guests will remember the nuptials and if that means making a mistake, then so be it.
Whichever way you choose to get married, remember to be grateful that you are able to do so. And endeavor to give back whenever you have the opportunity.