Looking for color in 2022
Let’s face it… we have had a lackluster 2 plus years where most of us have lived in a grey world. We dressed in leggings since we had nowhere to go, we talked about who was contagious and how many vaccines we had had. We got fed up with cooking at home, but avoided certain eateries unless they had air circulating. We put off travel, celebrations and fun. We missed so much and we lost a lot.
We forgot to DREAM.
Well, Im getting my dream back and I want it in full 4 panel color. I’m taking my wedding officiant business on the road. I am expanding and bringing my services to more and more cities. I want to dream big. I want to be the go to Wedding Officiant for all those wonderful couples who dream of celebrating their wedding with the most unique and personal story ALL ABOUT THEM. No - I don’t use garbled scripts at all. I talk to you. I ask you questions. I listen to you. We laugh, sometimes you cry, and often my questions trigger you to examine why you would answer in a particular way.
My bespoke wedding ceremonies are colorful. They are filled with fun details about the couple. They combine humor and emotion to create a highly personal glimpse into a love story.
These wedding ceremonies can be performed all around the world and I am going to make the second half of 2022 about reaching out and offering myself to different cities in the USA, Mexico, Europe, wherever. I am going to follow the scent of love.
See you in a serene spot!